暮, 晨 Dusk and Dawn

  • 空間是生活與審美的沉澱,我們投身過陽光與繁花的炙烈,嘗試捕捉流轉的風和月的盈缺,在瞬逝的時光裡張開雙手,想要兜住滿天星火,也想要兜住人聲鼎沸。



    Dusk and Dawn

    Space is the distillation of life and aesthetics. We have immersed ourselves in the gentle brilliance of sunlight and blossoms, savoring the shifting winds and the waxing and waning of the moon. In these fleeting moments, we reach out, hoping to embrace the myriad stars and the soothing clamor of voices.

    In a cozy 53 square meters space, we have delicately reimagined the interplay of light and spatial flow. We preserve flexibility while maintaining openness, utilizing subtle elements to define areas. Vision is gently blurred through latticework and glass sliding doors, allowing sunlight to flow effortlessly between public and private realms. This light reflects the intricate textures of handcrafted tiles, resonating with a calm and composed spirit, layer by layer. The overall palette, dominated by soft whites, is complemented by warm wooden cabinetry, floors, and walls, accented with natural mineral paints and stone textures that enrich each space, weaving a serene ambiance.

    The world is vast, and time is boundless. As dusk leans softly toward the distant road, the light once tenderly grasped becomes the sun of that moment. The traversed ridges and waves remain part of the same ocean. In the ups and downs of life, even though choices are interconnected, we have never missed our destination. Letting go of lingering obsessions, we thus fulfill our desires.

    YEAR: 20244
    AREA: 16 PING
    PHOTOGRAPHER: Hey ! Cheese




Embrace by the Earth