洄流 Flow of Living

  • 生活是流動,如同哲學家所說,沒有人可以踏入兩次相同的河水中,然而即使萬物易變,必然有些什麼亙古不移,像河流奔赴海洋,像生活終將趨近本質。


    We face changes every day, as philosopher Hērákleitos once said, “No man steps in the same river twice.” Life is always changing, but some things will never change. Like a river to the sea, we seek for the essence of life in simplicity.

    We have redesigned the original 3-bedroom, 2-living space layout with various size shelves that are strategically placed at the same height to let in light and air, and allow smooth flow in the room. It is important to balance privacy with functionality when it comes to interior design. The hidden sliding door defines the public and private areas without interrupting the flow of the open area. As you slide the door open, you see the horizontal and vertical lines in the space come together and create an open flow. The unique arrangement of shelves creates a perfect light and shadows mixture that enables functionality in a subtle manner without disturbing the view. As you close the sliding door, the space is surrounded with subtle, undemanding colors and materials that help to transform the open floor plan to an intimate space. You can enjoy the simplicity of life and privacy easily and freely.

    YEAR: 2021
    AREA: 26 PING
    PHOTOGRAPHER: Hey ! Cheese


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