光與暗 Light and Dark

  • 如果黑色是混沌,是光讓一切有了萬千表情,像生活其實極可能是一場沒有盡頭的追尋,唯有家,才讓那些無處安放的煩雜與困惑,自此有了完整的釋義。在忙碌的現代社會中,這個空間讓人可以獨自沉思、回歸身心靈的本質。


    If black represents the unknown and chaos,light gives our lives expression and reason. Our endless search for happiness can finally find meaning with one’s home. A home can provide comfort and security, and give meaning to our lives.

    In terms of layout and color, this space breaks away from traditional framework, using a plethora of black and dark materials as the focal point, creating a calm, pleasant atmosphere. The public area does not have complicated partitions. The two-way sofa makes the living room a real open space, and the cabinet that separates the public and private areas hides the bed, giving the entire space a more open appearance, and diverse functions. The lighting, and flow works smoothly in this space. As the light and shadow reflection changes throughout the day, it gives the space different vibes without being boring.

    Life may not always be a bed of roses, but when you’re home, there will be mornings and evenings where you can laze about on the couch or the windowsill, or relax, watching the canal meander to the sea, and the ups and downs of life will be eased as you go with the flow.

    YEAR: 2022
    AREA: 40 PING
    PHOTOGRAPHER: Hey ! Cheese


Embrace by the Earth


Living a Wabi-Sabi Life