被大地擁抱 Embrace by the Earth

  • 在喧擾繁雜的都市之中,我們渴望追求一個可以讓身心放鬆,回歸空間本質,屬於自己的一個庇護所。因此我們將空間畫面以土壤的顏色為主,把原始的木皮與石頭肌理帶入,讓視覺與觸覺有了新的體悟,也加深了人與空間及大地之間的連結。在場域之中,重新佈局,將公私領域一分而二,把客餐廳之間串連一起,讓畫面延伸也讓光線得以漫延。而私領域則隱藏於門片之後。空間內沒有過多的裝飾,減少視覺上的凌亂感,適度的留白保有彈性,溫潤的木皮,搭配著帶有略紅色的石材,氛圍讓人得以放鬆,搭配著優雅的紗簾,當陽光灑入室內時,揉合的光影最終淬鍊出那生活中純粹的美好。

    We all long for a space to relax, and escape from the noisy , complicated city life. A space that allows us to find our true self.

    To provide this calm, warm environment, we chose earthy color tones. By incorporating the pattern, shape and texture of wood and rock, we link the space with the earth not only visually but also tactilely.

    The lights flow freely with an open design that combines the living room and dining area. A hidden door allows privacy while not interfering with the open floor plan. There is no over-decorating to disturb the flow around the space. With hints of wood patterns, rosy, color-toned marble furniture, and lighting, we bring nature inside.

    The polished surface allows lights to reflect and interact in the space while the rounded and warm tones bring calmness and purity to your soul.

    YEAR: 2022
    AREA: 50 PING
    PHOTOGRAPHER: Hey ! Cheese


The Gray Area


Flow of Living