麥浪 Whispers of Wheat Waves

  • 時間過得很快,但風並不知道,如果醒在陽光漫遊之前,紗簾梳理遞進的光影,彷彿城市捲起了一道道麥浪,不論時間或是光,我們無從得知來意,卻總會在那樣的時刻,不由自主的聯想起牧歌式的遠方。




    Whispers of Wheat Waves

    Time drifts quietly, unnoticed by the wind. If you awaken before the sunlight begins its gentle roam, sheer curtains weave shifting patterns of light and shadow, as if the city unfolds into waves on a wheat field. In these moments, neither time nor light reveals their purpose, yet they instinctively stir thoughts of distant pastoral landscapes—echoes of idyllic shepherd songs.

    This home began as a spacious, open-plan area without walls. After understanding the homeowner's lifestyle needs, the layout was thoughtfully reimagined. From theentrance to the wall behind the kitchen island, the space was divided into public and private realms. Movable partitions maintain flexibility, while furniture and cabinetry are arranged with varying densities, creating a sense of flow. As the eye moves across the space, air and light intertwine, forming an organic connection between elements.

    The overall palette draws from earthy tones. The ceiling and walls share the same mineral finish, fostering visual continuity, while mirror-paneled sliding doors reflectand expand the space. Subtle contrasts are introduced through warm wood accents and deep green stone details. These materials, though varied in texture, achieve a delicate balance, enriching the ambiance with layers of everyday living.

    Here, the essence of the space takes shape through the interplay of detail, light, and shadow, unfolding into the background of life itself. The waves on a wheat field might exist only in imagination, and not every distant horizon can be reached. But life isnever measured by time alone—it’s defined by small, profound moments. These experiences, gathered and distilled, will shine brightly through the cracks in time.

    YEAR: 2024
    AREA: 15 PING


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